Oh, I have a lot of fun hi and welcome back to my kitchen. I am Chris from recipes at crapcom. I am Mikey, I’m the same thing and we are here today to show you guys a yummy low-carb recipe that we’re going to make in our casserole crock. I’r not going to talk with you right now, people this is not yummy.
This is freaking delicious. You made it the other night she’s like I want to test that I’m going to take a recipe and I’m a mom fine, I’m going to make it a cheeseburger casserole kind of thing. That’s how you’re talking about how I talk, and so of course you know that it’s taste test time, because that’s my job and it wasn’t just a bite and going. Oh, that’s good honey. It was absolutely friggin delicious, yet friggin delicious friggin, delicious.
Yes, it was very, very good and it’s so easy and I think you guys are going to like it it’s something you can serve both to low carb people and then, if somebody’s like, but give me the bread you they couldn’t eat it on a bun very Easily so we’re going to show you how to put it together and then you can decide how you want to serve it. What you’re going to need is 2 pounds of ground beef ground and we’re going to put that in this bowl here.
No, this bowl! Yes, in the bowl, now you good, like we say before you could use the make-ahead ground beef that we’ve got on the side, I’ll put the link down below or you could just fry up some ground beef. However, you want to do it, I drained it. So most of the facts off of there in the water we’re going to mix things together. So what you do is you take this morning dirty so we’ll have more dishes.
You know later to that, we’re going to add a cup of shredded cheddar cheese. Glad you said it because I was talking about it too, that I kept going alright. So I need to shred up some cheddar cheese. So I have some shredded cheddar cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, and I was like whatever okay, so you’re, going to mix start mixing that up and then we are going to add is this 1/2 cup, that is a half a cup of mayonnaise 1/2.
A cup of mayonnaise is going to get. You need to empty it in there babe. I can’t oh, I got it yep. I got this and, while he’s doing that, have you already melted this in the microwave dedup? Yes, so you want it soft? Yes, so we like to in dishes that call for cream cheese we like to pop our brick of cream cheese into the microwave for 30 seconds, to get it nice and creamy so that it easily mixes into you know we’re not showing them what this is.
I only have so many so it so easily mix in with this mixture that we’ve got going on, okay, so tada. We also have how many green, that is three green onions. You want to use only half of that. Yes, so we’re going to sprinkle in half of our green onions that we’ve chopped up and I just turned off your camera – I’m sorry! Oh my gosh! It’s like we’ve never done this before. Okay, alright, and if we’re going to ensure it stays, then we’re going to salt and pepper to taste that tastes good like it is: okay, alright! So now just a pinch: more salt, okay, just a knack! Okay, sim! I can do that.
I’r married to her now. What we have reserved here is the other half of our green onions, the other half of our cheese, which is another cup of cheese and then the magic fairy dust we all crumble, bacon, crumble, bacon and how much chromatic is eight slices. And yes, I mean that’s look at that. Look at that that right there it’s not much, but that’s eight slices of bacon! That’s why you don’t that’s why this is a bacon, cheeseburger, casserole, okay, so go ahead and pop it into your crock pot, we’re using our casserole crock for this good yeah all comes up, Rudy’s order, yep, alright, spread it out, spread it out.
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You just press it down in there. This job is so depressing. You know I thought about making a clown casserole one time, but I figured it would taste funny. We need, like a dad joke counter to record our pain, hey. What’s next, okay, now we are going to sprinkle all the bacon. On top of this yummy yummy casserole, hey, you know. The thing is about this: that’s already cooked yeah, so we can have equal bacon distribution because everybody wants to bake it.
So sprinkle the bacon bacon reign. That was one of my favorite songs, equal bacon, distribution, right. Okay, this is going to do the rest of our green onions and top with the cheese. Then, what’s going to happen, while one he finishes that we’re going to put the lid on and you can ring. Oh sorry, you can cook this on high for one to two hours. What we’re looking for is all of the cheese to melt and become nice and bubbly chatter, a rain chip.
You could that’s just your first touch if you want it to cook a little bit longer. You can cook it on low for about two to three, depending on your crock-pot may, take up to four hours, but most likely it’ll be nice and bubbly by three hours. So we are going to do that and we’ll see you back here in three two one and we are back yes, it has been a little over an hour on high and everything is nice and cheesy check out by rolling out cheese for days.
Yes, yes, yes, and so what we’re going to do is eat. Yes, we’re going to scoop some of this out, like I said you can eat it. What the way we normally eat. It is over a bed of lettuce with a little bit of tomato cheeseburgers. I know you could like you, can serve it with Mayo. You can serve it with mustard and low sugar ketchup. If you want – and I like it – that way like over a bed – a good chop them romaine lettuce because it gets it gives it a crunch to go along with all that, you can eat it in a low-carb tortilla.
You could also eat it on a low-carb. I thank you thank those yes or your guests can eat it on all of those things without going the low-carb route. So, but we often sometimes we just need it like this too. So you want it like this. This is my favorite part. My favorite part of every show really is, is just coming up and talking to you guys well that neaten the finished product but check it out right there.
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You got bacon and onion and meat and all that cheese, and it’s really really creamy from that cream. Cheese and that male that’s soaked in there for what was a little over an hour, it’s hot. I can promise you that that fantastic, hmm, that bacon still got a crunch to a little bit. The onions do too, but it’s like super super creamy in there from all that cream cheese and that Mayo. That is so good.
One of the things I wanted to tell you guys the lower fat from beef that you use the less oils you’re going to have. You can drain your fat, but also you’re, going to have a little oil in here. You can either just serve it with a slotted spoon, not much of it got out on my plate whenever I did it with a regular spoon either, but you’re going to have a little oil in there just ignore it and go on it’s so yummy good job.
Yep I like it when you find your recipes mm-hmm, it makes my job fun, hey speaking of fun. You know what else is fun, give them people thumbs. Ups, do that Dumbo give us a thumbs up and if you have not become a member of the crop, posse click. The subscribe button down below and you’ll automatically be a member of the croc posse and we’ll give you a thumbs up for that. Also, if you are know, as soon as we put up a new article, click the little bell next to a call, though, and that will let you know as soon as we put up a new article and we put them up all the time, whatever y’all do.
My often eat get thing, that’s big life. I think I’m going to get a bigger bowl to one. If you want to see the like on the
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